Strategien er død - lenge leve Metastrategien

Før kunne en strategi vare i mange år. Nå holder den knapt tiden det tar å skrive den. Alt endres for fort. Hvordan lager vi strategier som funker i den digitale virkeligheten? John V. Willshire avsluttet Webdagene 2016.

John Willshire: Metastrategy - Movements, Layers and Loops (Webdagene 2016) from Netlife Research on Vimeo.

Where once a strategy would hold for years, we are now witnessing a world in which a strategy can’t even hold for the time it takes to formulate one. Everything keeps changing. So how can we learn from the mechanics of the internet, and all of its movements, layers and loops, to see this as something we can thrive on, rather than be afraid of?